Jen Cort's Professional Background
Jen Cort is a diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice consultant working with schools and organizations in multiple countries. As an educator and clinical social worker, Jen has served as an assistant head of lower school, head of a middle school, and senior administrator as well as a counselor in lower, middle and upper schools and private practice. Jen works with groups to create sustainable and systemic change and to live out their missions regarding diversity and inclusion. Her goal is to create spaces where students, and all community members, can be seen and heard while learning to be visible and use their voices in productive ways.
Jen has presented at national conferences, hosts a diversity institute, is a frequent contributor to publications, and her work has been quoted in Racing Toward Diversity, Insights, Friends Journal, NAIS Independent Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, New York Times, and more. Jen is the host of an internationally syndicated podcast "Third Space With Jen Cort"
Founder and principle consultant
Jen Cort Educational Consulting
2014 to present
Previous Experience
Head of Middle School, Sandy Spring Friends School
Curriculum Development
Diversity Program
Supervised Staff
Engaged in Community Outreach
Contributed to reaccreditation process
Created parallel programs
Participated in committees:
Advisory, Administrative Council, Governance, Traditions, Health and Wellness, Prevention Steering Committee, Student Support Services, Student Resource Team, E-values, Diversity (all school and divisional), Learning Differences Working Group, Gifted and Talented Working Group, Quakerism, Community and Spiritual Life.
Director of Student Support Services, Sandy Spring Friends School 2004-2010
Oversaw counselors, nurses and learning specialists PreK-12
Developed programs
Wrote curriculum
Cort Counseling Services, 2000-2010
Curriculum Development Consultant for grades PreK-8
Clinical Supervisor
Professional and curriculum development
Consultant to Friendship Camp​
Counselor Sidwell Friends School, 1994-2000
Clinical support for students
Oversaw advisory curriculum and programmatic development
Education and Certification
Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work, The Catholic University of America 1993
Bachelors Degree of Arts with concentration in Clinical Social Work, The Catholic University of America 1991
Licensed Certified Clinical Social Worker, Maryland, in good standing since 1993
Continuing Education
Jen embraces professional development and has sought continuing education in the areas of Leadership, Principals, and Diversity. As a clinical social worker, it is her pleasure to be required to maintain 20 continuing education credits per year.