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"Mugging For The Camera"

Jen Cort's consulting  motto is "Inviting The Elephants In The Room To Tea" therefore mugs seemed the right thank you gift for those working with her the first year.  After receiving pictures of mugs in various locations Jen invited recipients to share shots of their mug in use or of themselves "mugging for the camera". 


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Jen Cort

Jen Cort 'mugs' for the camera

Rodney Glasgow

Rodney Glasgow on his first day as Head of Sandy Spring Friends School.

Mugs on vacation

When a friend sends you a picture of their vacation and brought the mug with them.

Blake Kohn of NNSP

Blake Kohn of NNSP takes a break after offering her first AIMS and NNSP conference with a gift from Jen for inviting her to offer a session.

Lovett School

Director of Diversity, Ellice Hawkins at Lovett School.

St. John's Episcopal School

Seen while visiting with Tom Stevens, Head of SJES.

Jen's mom

Jen's parents include Jen's mug, designed by their son on all trips as part of their coffee travel supplies.

Bryn Mawr School
Evergreen Mill Elementary

Jen provided a parent and faculty workshop on cultural competency.

Peirce Hammod

Peirce of, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, sends greetings.

Brooke Carroll

Brooke is the principle consultant at Acies consulting.

Dick Jung

Of AISGW posing while on his cycling commute to DC.

Jordan Ashby

St. Elizabeth High School "Professional development with Janet Hale working on our curriculum mapping initiative. It's time for tea with elephants."

Cynthia Garland

Executive Assistant to the Head of School and Liaison to the Board of Trustees at St. Paul's School for Girls writes "Thank you!"

Penny Evins

Head of St. Paul's School for Girls writes "As I work in my office on a sunny Sunday, I remember the power of what we do as relationship and community builders at SPSG. Thank you for inspiring us!"

SSFS Health Center Staff

Gail Willie, John Staehle, Elizabeth Channer and Mary K. Fry "Having coffee in Jen Cort mugs"

Dawn Teat

Academic Advisor at Wilmington University

Jeff Ransom

Assistant Director of Athletics, Wilmington Friends School

Kaytura Felix, Coach

Jen is grateful to be counted among those receiving phenomenal coaching from Kaytura!

Stephanie Folarin's Desk

Jen used Stephanie's desk for a day and hoped "some of her enthusiasm, intelligence and brilliance wears off on me!"

Ilene Lees

Upper School Counselor at Sandy Spring Friends School

Jessica Lee

Head of School at Sheridan.

Margaret Rosser

Sandy Spring Friends School

Lauren Keller

Lauren Keller, counselor at Bullis School

David Hickson

David Hickson of Sandy Spring Friends School

Trevor Waddington

DC SchoolHUB

Robert True

Sandy Spring Friends School

William Penn Charter

Middle School Advisory Curriculum Development Committee members.

Erica Thompson

St. Patrick's Episcopal School

Ivy Gardner

Sidwell Friends and LEΔD Institute

Meera Vijayann

Ashoka and Start Empathy

Friends Meeting School

Faculty at Friends Meeting School

Izetta Mobley and Randolph Carter

Randolph Carter and Izetta Mobley of East Ed

Lauren Brownlee

Stone Ridge, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, LEΔD Institute, Sandy Spring Friends School

Peter Reynolds and Paul Reynolds

Peter and Paul Reynolds of FableVision

Calverton School Student

Student attending Black Student Fund Fair

Making us happy!
Erin Scott

Sandy Spring Friends School

Rob Travieso

Sandy Spring Friends School

Kiri Harris and Students

Dean of Middle School and students from Greene Friends School.

Sheridan School Diversity Committee

Rachel Alexander, Courtney Peterson and Monique Miles invited Jen to speak about the importance of affinity groups in schools.

All packed up

Over 150 mugs were delivered to colleagues from the last year!

Eight Boxes of Mugs!

Thank you to the many schools offering invitations communities this past year!

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