Listening with Empathy: What it taught me  about Homelessness And Race in America
Listening with Empathy: What it taught me about Homelessness And Race in America On a recent beautiful,sunny day I visited the corner of...

"Princess of Pantsland" Parenting with Empathy
Recently, a friend with young children asked how my husband and I ‘grew such well-behaved kids’ (now age 10 and 15). My mind immediately...

The World Would Be Better Off If We Acted More Like Toddlers
What I observed during an extended wait in the pediatrician's lobby convinced me that the world would be better off if we acted more like...

I Wish Every Day Were World Book Day
Over my years as an educator and counselor I collected book titles to share with students, colleagues and parents. Now that I consult...

Jen Cort Educational Consulting Marks 6 Months
Jen Cort Educational Consulting Inviting the Elephants in the Room to Tea Today marks the first six months of Jen Cort Educational...

Believe in Equal Rights and Wonder How to Respond to a Daughter Who Is Interested in Princesses?
I admit being into princesses does not come naturally to me and I quietly celebrated that my daughter wasn’t interested in them either...

Easy Tips for Navigating Technology Use With Your Child
I don’t think I am along in feeling somewhat overwhelmed when tasked with talking to my children about best uses of technology because...

How do Legos, Mittens, Gloves and Bandanas Teach Kids about Privilege?
I was recently invited to work with a group of middle school students as part of their Junior Young Friends Retreat on the topic of...